On the second September, I was working with Argentinian cartoonist Liniers’ approach of exploring the ’emotional landscape,’and as my mood was very much one of a resistant resounding ‘no!’ I decided to work with this. (It has taken a while to write up this post, as I couldn’t figure out how to create a moving comic strip on here.)

First, I did 20 minutes of nothing, before ‘noodle-doodling’ ideas as below:



I was pleasantly surprised how the doodling generated ideas that led to other ideas. In the end, I created 3 pages of A3 doodles before selecting 10 favourites to draw up into single panels with brush and marker pens.

I finally had ten A5 images to play with and these were organised into a logical sequence for a moving comic strip for Instagram. Instagram has a maximum upload of 10 images and I selected only 9 panels to create an open-ending. This also illustrates the influence of Liniers who resists the closure of the gag typically use in the final panel of comic strips:




A couple of days later, I added the final gag in a two-panel moving strip on Instagram as a continuation of the comics diary and continuing feelings of moodiness. It was also a way to use the final image with a connection to my love of birds especially badly drawn ones: 

Quick conclusion,, the practice of ‘noodle-doodling’ is useful for discovering ideas as these generate others almost organically and automatically. 


Liniers (2020) ‘Graphic Humor Give Us Our Daily Comic Strip’ Domestika course available at :

https://www.domestika.org/en/courses/623-graphic-humor-give-us-our-daily-comic-strip [accessed 17.09.2020}