Creative Practice Notes

We are Badly Drawn Birds of Leamington Spa

About 'Badly Drawn Birds'

At the moment, this website is mostly a collection of creative practice experiments by Head Bird (Clari) and creative notes to support her PhD on Humour Comics at the University of Arts London.

In future, we hope that it will become a place to promote creativity and humour more broadly.

The ‘Badly Drawn Birds’ exist to develop creativity in community and beyond – to create art, provide playful workshops and encourage a lighter approach to life.

This is currently happening with the cartooning circle ‘The Leam Funnies’ in Leamington Spa, UK and also in a Zoom group. Do get in touch if you’re interested!

Clari Searle

Clari Searle
'Head Bird'

University teacher, life coach, and PhD researcher, who likes to create visual humour and cartoons.

Badly Drawn Birds Needed!

Get in touch if you have an interest in collaborating on teaching, researching, and constructing Humour Comics.

The Leam Funnies - Drawing for Fun(ny)

If you would like to join our Cartooning Circle - 'The Leam Funnies' - get in touch and join the fun. This happens in real life and on Zoom.

Contact us to come fly with us

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